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Winglets sind auf der einen Seite super praktisch, um die Aerodynamik deines Bikes zu steigern. Auf der anderen Seite sind sie ein diskreter, aber funktionaler Fahrgestellschutz und eine leicht zu installierende Individualisierung, die...
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Winglets are on the one hand super practical to increase the aerodynamics of your bike. On the other hand, they are a discreet but functional chassis protection and an easy to install customization that will spruce up your bike. L2202013
Winglets are on the one hand super practical to increase the aerodynamics of your bike. On the other hand, they are a discreet but functional chassis protection and an easy-to-install customization that will spruce up your bike.
LSL Crash Pad®s have been on the market for 20 years and protect your bike from major damage when tipping over or in the event of a fall. The SlideWing® is the next generation of these proven protectors. They offer style, protection and...
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